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Home × Introduction Appetizer Throw another bat in the cauldron There has to be a reason Once inside the forest I'm the Black Talon They all care Song Things are going well now Biography


Just to whet your appetite, here is how the musical begins -----

First Scene: A belfry one November evening It is twilight.

There is a huge open window and through it the sun is setting. A sign in the window says 'Theodosius, Tawny-at law'. Although it is still quite light by the window, elsewhere the belfry is full of shadows. It seems to be empty. A flapping sound is heard. A pigeon flies in and lands clumsily. He looks about nervously.

Perc Anyone about? I say, anyone about? ----- oooh! He has caught sight of a large pair of round eyes glinting in the shadows. Nothing else can be seen. Y-y-you aren't a g-ghost are you?
Theo No, of course I'm not. State your business. I have to tell you that you do not give a very favourable impression at the moment.
Perc Ah well sir, that's the story of my life. One of life's losers, that's what I am.
Theo Yes, I can well believe that. Theodosius comes out of the shadows. Percival is visibly impressed. Now what is it you want to say?
Perc First sir, would I be right in thinking that you are Theodosius, the celebrated legal bird brain?
Theo To a certain extent, yes.
Perc Ah, then I have a message for you. You should know that I live in one of the smaller courtyards of the royal palace. It's situated just near the kitchen as a matter of fact and there I eke out a miserable -----
Theo Never mind about all that. Please just keep to the point, otherwise we'll be here all night.
Perc O all right. I only wanted to put you in the picture. Let me at least introduce myself.
Theo If you must.
Perc My name is Percival.
Theo That seems a very unlikely sort of name for a pigeon - especially for a pigeon of your description.
Perc Now that, if I may say so sir, shows just how perceptive you are. It is a very unlikely name for a pigeon of my description. But when it came to names, my mother, bless her soul, was something of a -----
Theo The message Percival, if you would be so good.
Perc Well sir, it so happened that this morning, as is my usual practice, I was wandering through the courtyard when suddenly I was grabbed from behind. I don't mind telling you that it gave me a very nasty turn, a very nasty turn indeed. As you might well imagine.
Theo Yes, do get on with it.
Perc And what made matters worse was that it was very soon clear to me that I had been grabbed by a cat. Not that I could see the cat, because I was immediately dragged into a dark cellar, but I could feel those claws digging into my feathers. Do you know, I can still feel them now.
This pigeon can't control his beak.

At this rate we'll be here all week.
Theo I dare say you can. Do not forget that cats are not the only creatures with sharp claws.
Perc No indeed sir! So this cat starts to speak to me. And as she speaks it was clear to me that she did not come from these parts. She had a strange foreign accent. Of course, being only an ignorant bird, sir, I can't be sure where she came from, but if I were to hazard a guess -----
Will nothing stem his flow of words!

How I detest long-winded birds.
Theo Don't. I realise that you find it difficult to keep to the point, but I really would appreciate it if you tried.
Perc Forgive me sir. I suppose I do wander off ------ So this cat says to me, "Do you know the old church tower on the other side of town?' 'Know it,' I replied, 'I should say I do. Why ---' Well sir, she interrupted me there, just as you would have done --- and said, 'Then listen to me, mon ami.' ---That was just as she said it sir -- 'you will go there this evening just as the sun is setting. You will give this message to Monsieur Theodosius who lives there in the top of the tower. Could he come to the palace toute de suite as I have need of his services most urgently. Tell him that it is most important.' And that's it sir. --- She said nothing else, other than to suggest that if I did not remember to come here, it would be the worse for me. Well here I am sir, as you see.
You wander off! I wish he would!

I'd send him packing if I could.

But who knows what he has to say.

Reluctantly I'll let him stay.

A miracle! He's reached the end.

But was there noone else to send?
O yes I see. And I have heard

Each drawn out phrase and extra word!
Perc And I would take it most kindly, sir, if you were to tell the cat when you meet her that I came.
Theo Surely, that will hardly be necessary.
Perc No sir, but it's a sensible precaution.
Theo Unless there is anything else you wish to add --- No! That is a mistake. Thank you, you may go.
Perc Oh, I was rather hoping you would explain what all this was about.
Theo Even if I knew, I would never betray the confidence of a client. I should now be greatly obliged if you would leave ---
Perc If you're sure there's nothing else?
Theo ---at once.

With a last forlorn look at Theodosius, Percival shuffles over to the window. As he leaves, he manages to knock off the 'Theodosius, Tawny-at-law' sign and get entangled in some ivy. Theodosius sighs and then, when he is sure that Percival has flown off, follows him out into the last moments of a fiery red sunset.